
Prayer 1/31/2008

Well, first off, how about this wonderful day off from school? I love the days when they cancel when there is not even a sight of snow or rain in the sky. A few days ago a friend of mine told me we had only 75 days left of school. That means today’s wonderful snow day marks only 73 days left of school, and the countdown has begun. The last few days I have been doing a lot of thinking about the last three and a half years of my life - where I was both spiritually and maturity wise. Skipping many stories and memories, I just want to tell you all that without the Lord, I would not be the person I am today. Without Jesus, I would not have made it through some of the challenges of high school. I have always lived by the motto of, “Trust in God and understand everything happens for a reason.” My advice to all the underclassmen out there is exactly that - Trust in God.

Andrew Bennett


Heather Higham said...

Yes friend, we must trust in God through all things. We cannot control our circumstance, the people around us, or God. We can only control our responses, and the only two responses seem to be - trust in God or not trust in God. I am with you... Let's trust in God!

brooKlyn said...

good word, thanks for your encouragement