
40 Days - Day 19

“The LORD is great on Zion, exalted above all the peoples. Let them praise your great and awesome name: holy is God! O mighty king, lover of justice, you alone have established fairness; you have created just rule in Jacob. Exalt the LORD, our God; bow down before his footstool; holy is God!”

Psalm 99:2-5 TNAB

Hey guys, hope you all are having a great holiday! This time of year is usually a time to give thanks for what you have. This is also a time to give thanks to the Lord for the gift of life.

I grew up as one of those kids who had to go to church because my parents said I had to. I didn’t really understand what the Lord meant to me or if He really existed for that matter. Two years ago, I joined the Student Ministry at The People's Church in Spring Hill.

If it wasn’t for all the support from the other students, as well as Todd and all the other adult leaders, I would still be one of those kids. Ever since I joined this youth group, I have grown so much in following the Lord. At Elevate this year, I officially gave my life to Christ and to let him lead my life anyway He wants to.

This Winter Retreat is all about prayer. For this Retreat, I pray that we all can go more in depth into our Lord’s message. I pray for everyone’s health and safety over the holidays. I pray for our guest speaker, as well as all of our volunteers, for making all this possible. The Lord gave His only son to give us eternal life. I think that deserves some glorification of our Lord. God is all powerful and mighty, and we should want to bow down and worship at His feet.

Happy Holidays,

Tyler Smith


Heather Higham said...

What a great story Tyler! Thanks for sharing about Todd and the Student Ministry in Spring Hill really ministering to your life. I share your hope for Winter Retreat. I hope this is a time for God's Word to come alive in many of our lives - especially as we learn to talk with Him and listen more. I am thankful church is no longer something you have to attend, but it has become a community where genuine fellowship and discipleship take place.

Anonymous said...

Tyler, it has been incredible watching God work in your life over the past year! You are a vital part of our ministry!

Thanks for sharing what God has been doing. I pray God continues His work in us as we seek Him.